This is the text of an email I have received from Brian Heatley. Brian is the Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for South Dorset.
I’ve taken a look at your blog and I found it fascinating. One of the things you quickly discover as a candidate is that people’s views don’t all cluster around the narrow centre as defined by the media, but are much more diverse.
Some of the things you suggest would of course be quite expensive. We have issued a manifesto (you can find it at policies.html) where we have not been inclined to use that as an excuse not to do things, but we do propose a hefty programme of taxation to pay for it all. True things like ending Trident will save some money, but that is not enough by itself.
I particularly liked your ideas about public loos (an absolutely basic public service that sadly has declined in recent years), not raising the school leaving age (though there I disagree with my party) and some of your ideas about benefits. We have a radical plan to simplify and reform the benefits system called Citizen’s Income and here is a link to a note about it uk/policypointers/ ppcitizensincome.pdf . I’d be interested to know what you think.
Brian Heatley
Green Party parliamentary candidate for South Dorset
Cool to have a comment by Brian - sorry, Mrs Grumpy doesn't "do" politics - but this Manifesto is rather good - and might change her mind.
Hello Karen.
Pleased you have found your way here!
Any thoughts you'd like to leave will be welcomed with interest.
(You don't have to agree with things!)
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